The holiday rush of last-minute radio and TV spots have subsided. As someone still relatively new to the industry, a thought crossed my mind: Is there ever a slow time for getting voice over work? My answer is no, for one simple reason. I have the ability to pick up the phone. Most days, it’s easy to do, but some days, it weighs over 50 pounds.

When those days come up, I use my Accountability Buddy; a tried and true marketing tool that is available to anyone – who uses it! This is a very powerful tool in my marketing arsenal, because it is a true motivator. I can send 50 emails a week, but if I haven’t followed up in over 2 months, those leads are as stale as a week-old bagel. My Accountability Buddy will remind me if I’m slacking, or just ask “whatever happened to that animation company in West Heck, IA”? While there have been a couple of glorious occasions where I’ve been contacted by someone I reached out to 5 or 6 months ago that wanted to hire me for a new project, it doesn’t happen often, so I need to be proactive. My Accountability Buddy system is a CRM, a life-coach and alarm clock, all in one. And best of all? It’s free! Well, I might have to feed them some pizza every now and then.