Ever hear that ‘doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will?’  Well, I’d say that’s pretty accurate.  We’ve all had times where negative thoughts creep in and they play over and over on repeat in our minds like the occasional high-maintenance client who doesn’t know what the hell they want – asking for take after countless take. (They end up liking take 1).  😉

A few of the most common reasons we struggle with doubt are:

We don’t feel worthy of fulfilling our dreams.

Past experiences or mistakes have been messing with our minds.

We compare ourselves to others.

We don’t feel we have it in us to take on new challenges.

We fear failure.  We fear success.

We fear we aren’t good enough.

We’re afraid of what other people think.

Well, aren’t we complex, sensitive beings?  Let me shed some light on that little list above.  I don’t have all the answers, but I do think pointing out some of the common struggles we share around the topic of doubt is worth noticing and pondering…  And then after identifying where your own struggles come up, putting some work into overcoming those roadblocks so you can carry on with the things that matter most to you.

Your Voiceover career perhaps? Quieting those judgy voices in your head?  Somethin’ else?  Either way…

Maybe what we need to do – is simply shift our focus.

The opposite of doubt is:  

Certainty.  /ˈsərtntē/ noun [definition] a fact that is definitely true or an event that is definitely going to take place.

Sometimes ya gotta dig deep and remind yourself of what you’re capable of… and do it with gusto! Like, with a solid hair flip. Be as certain as a sunrise that you possess talent, and wit, and creativity.

Remember when you were 5? You were certain you were fun.  Certain you were brilliant. So certain about the things you knew. Like Saturday morning cartoons!  Remember those?

Revisit 5 year-old you! I am certain you have surprised yourself over the years.  And I’m certain you’ll surprise yourself again!

Conviction.  /kənˈvikSH(ə)nnoun [definition] a firmly held belief or opinion.

Your opinion of yourself is the one that matters most.  It’s the only one that really counts.  Some day when you’re ninety-nine and a half years old and you’re sitting in your super innovative, new, modern-day rocking chair, you’ll think back to all the wildly creative adventures you had, and be proud that you believed in yourself enough to have honored all of your wickedly cool ideas and live them.

And ya know what?  Your 99 and-a-half year-old self is counting on you.  Don’t let YOU down.  Wanna know what else your 99 and a half year old self knows?  Hindsight is 20/20 and you really didn’t have anything holding you back.

Confidence. /ˈsərtntē/ adjective [definition] feeling or showing confidence in oneself; self-assured.

We’ve gotta stare fear in the face. Like, dramatically. Think of diabolical, evil ugliness facing off with angelic, honorable goodliness. You’re the good guy for sure…  Then shouting, “Hey failure! Success! Whatever else is freaking you out (fill in the blank)! I’m not afraid of you!”  

(This was definitely exclaimed in your outside voice.)

Because you are enough. Your talent is enough.  Ain’t no other person in the world quite like you.  And any kind of mistake you’ve made in the past has taught you something and now you’re better because of it.

Oh, and repeat after me, “I don’t care what you think.” That’s your new internal mantra to chant to any naysayer you encounter. This life you’re living? Yeah. It’s for you.

We all have our stuff.  Don’t give up on yourself.  Do the things that set your soul on fire.

I don’t doubt you for a single moment.