Tip12: Being Professional

So, here you are, a working VO pro.  What’s that mean really?  You’ve got the basics covered: performance, technical, and business.  You know how to voice your genre of choice, your sound is clean and good, and you know how to track your money and look for work. But...

Birthday Blog Love from Mama VO!

The Voice Actors Studio turns 3! Happy Birthday, TVAS! What do Valentine’s Day and The Voice Actors Studio have in common?  Chocolate?  Sweetness? Cupid striking?  These are true statements, but no, not the answer I was looking for!  On 2/14/15 TVAS opened their doors...

Joy’s Talent Spotlight: Casey Eade

Hello to all my fellow voicers!  Let me introduce you to Casey Eade, a vivacious voice talent filled with sparkle.  Casey can’t recall a time when she wasn’t enamored with doing voices.  She has been interested in acting and doing voices her entire life.  Casey has...